Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Q: How can I be happy when I feel constant time pressure?

A: Imagine two birds in a tree. 
One bird says to the other,  “I have to go now, I am meeting my other bird friend at 3 00pm.”

Of course we have to acknowledge time is a man made phenomenon. It provides structure to our days so we remain in the ‘productivity’ role of our mind. However, this notion of time, causes great suffering for those who are dead line driven or constantly needing to check off the never ending to do list.

Stress, Anxiety, Compulsion, Distraction, Confusion, Overwhelm, Desperation, Anger

These are all negative experiences time constraints can provide for us.

I invite you to look above time for now....

Take a deep breath, rise above your relationship to time…and take a good hard look at it.

What is your experience with time? What does it mean to you? Is it stressing you out?

Well... Now, go ahead and imagine your upward spiral of life.

Do you see freedom from time? Enjoying your time? Accomplishing your goals with flow and ease?

What is the trick to turn the downward stressed based experience of time into the magic and rainbows of life?  


For a lesson on living in the moment you can purchase this audio for  $11.99

Watch this free video!

Dr. Aymee

Dr. Aymee Coget, Sustainable Happiness Expert, founder of The Happiness Makeover™ Training Program offers services and products on how to be happy. More goodies on . Ask questions and visit her on FB or twitter @draymee or her blog